Monday, May 18, 2009

Images, Images Everywhere!

I might have mentioned that I'm a little OC, Obsessive-Compulsive. Well, I am, so I might as well admit it!

I turned my OC eye to my studio Saturday and realized there was a better way to keep my collection of images for transfers than I was utilizing, so I set about organizing them. I went out and bought some of those pretty Martha Stewart-ish looking photo boxes, you know the ones with the index card dividers with the alphabet on them, and some 3x5 plastic bags. Then I started sorting. Okay, so I get to BIRDS. Hmmm, I've got probably 500 bird images, but putting them altogether wouldn't help when I needed one yellow bird in a hurry. So I decided to subgroup them into colors. Hmmm. That worked until I got to BROWN BIRDS. I did not realize I had so many Brown bird images. So then I decided to group them by BIRD NAME. Hmmm. Then I had to get the encyclopedia out, because my internet connection was on the fritz due to a thunderstorm Saturday morning. Well, it turns out that as smart as I think I am, I do not know my robins from my orioles. Hmmm. So I decided, 3 hours after my initial foray into organizing the images, to just put all 'dem BIRDS back in one bag under "B". Lord knows my OC self would have had a conniption fit by the time I got to FLOWERS. Shudder.

By Saturday night, still no internet connection (how do people live without it?), so I sanded and buffed some pieces I cured Thursday night for our weekly PCAGOE Clay and Play night. Notice there is only one bird pendant. I think that is a Robin, or is it an Oriole?

Bird Study 2a Roses on Sheet music bead 4b Coral Flower and Bud 1 Carte Postale 1 Daisy Canvas 1 Rose Notes1



Oh my goodness - I love your work more and more!!

I'm OC too by the way. Everything organised, tidy and put away - not happy and can't work unless it's all organised. I fight it, but I can't help it!! Is there hope?

Carolyn xx

Lynda said...

Hey, Carolyn. I don't think there's a bit of hope, nope! LOL

Thanks for the compliment, too!

sharon said...

These are really nice Lynda, especially the bird one and the butterfly!!

Sharon said...

I love ALL of your bird beads, I would have a difficult time choosing just one favorite!

Lynda said...

Thank you, Sharon...and Sharon! :)

Alice Stroppel said...

These are beautiful.


Lynda said...

Hey, Alice. Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Your post gave me a good chuckle because I tend to get this great idea of how to organize something, and then get so detailed with it that I would have to spend all my time sorting and putting away! I get that "wild hair" every now and again to organize but unfortunately I have a strong dose of ADD - start cleaning off the work table and see a bead that needs to be sanded before I put it away. Start sanding and remember that I have the perfect accents to go with that bead! Off to look for the accent pieces. Work table is still a mess at the end of the work session, but I'm happy and relaxed so I guess that's what's most important... right? That's my theory anyway!!!

Lynda said...

Arlene, we'll blame it on the wild hair, definitely! Thanks for your comment. Always nice to hear from a fellow Southern belle. :)